Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Few more pictures...
Christmas time!
Sorry these are so late, however, it has been a busy season! We left Christmas Eve night and traveled 2 hours to Lafe's parents' house...spent two nights there, then left Friday morning around 930 only to quickly unpack and get the other things needed for my side of the family. We went to Russ' house and spent the rest of the day there. We came back to our house with my parents, then got up the next morning to take family pictures (minus my older brother and his family who couldn't make it), and then traveled to my grandma's house. There were 30 of us there! The only ones missing were my older brother's family... it wasn't too bad because a lot of them were little! Here are a few highligh pictures... you can check my facebook for more.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Life of Luxury!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Are we spoiled or just comfy!?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I can get out of this!!!
So.... babies like to be reminds them of the womb. Thanks to Sarah we have this wonderful blanket that helps to swaddle. It even velcros so that it holds better. Well, Sarah bought us one made of fleece and Kade was getting very hot in it so we bought one made of just cotton. Well, I used it while Kade was napping and he doesn't like his arms to be a certain way and he wiggled right out of it! He is strong... but wow!! Lafe calls the swaddle blanket Kade's straight jacket.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Rough Evening... GREAT night!
So last night was very rough. Kade has had his nights and days mixed up and we needed to help him figure them out. (We will probably have to help again tonight.) He was very sleepy yet he did such a GREAT job! We used Nana's blanket to help us play on the floor. We had to undress him to his diaper, put lotion on, wipe his body down with a cool wash cloth and then just let him cry it out a little. All that just so he could have a good night's sleep (according to us!). So, after we could bare it no longer... at 8:30 I fed him and dressed him, swaddled him up nice and tight... and Kade slept until 12:15... woke up for a bottle, then right back to sleep until 5:30... then right back asleep until 9:30! It was amazing!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Napping and First Book...
So Kade doesn't really like his sleep positioner... he likes the bassinet to be filled with either my pink and gray blanket or his sports blanket made of fleece and VERY comfy... I guess it is one way to nap! :) Also.... I read his first book to him. He didn't really pay that much attention or show much interest, however, we have to start early! Reading is important! (Poor kid has a teacher for a momma!)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Today ... Kade is officially one week old at 5:07 pm. He was 20 inches long... weighed 7 pounds and 6 oz... although he has lost some weight since then We went to the doctor last Friday and he was 6 lbs 13 oz then... we will see what the doctor says this Thursday. Here he is sleeping the afternoon away... which probably means he and I will be in the recliner again tonight trying to play instead of sleep. Love him so very much!
These were put in the wrong order but Kade is getting ready to eat again and I'm not going to change them around. This was my last picture of having Baby Kade on the inside. Then as you will see.... we had to have a C-section due to lots of reasons... and there is Lafe getting ready to meet his son, sitting by myside reassuring me, and then a few pictures of Baby Kade letting us know just how great his lungs are! Believe me.... they are GREAT!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Hospital Day...
Well... we are about to leave for the hospital in about an hour. We check in, spend the night, get some medicine to start a few things (hopefully!) and then no later than tomorrow evening our precious little baby boy will be here. We ask for your prayers and patience for pictures! Love you!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Christmas Decorations!
Well, it's officially the day after Thanksgiving AND Kade's due date. So, what does that mean.... PUT UP THE CHRISTMAS TREE! :) The tree was set up and decorated and our cute little dog, Achilles, decided to curl up underneath it. I just happened to get a picture of it.
Lafe's parents and sister with her family were all here yesterday for a huge feast! Now our frig is stocked with lots of leftovers! My parents will be here tonight and then we are all awaiting for Baby Kade to make his arrival.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Last Ultrasound...
Yesterday, we had our last ultrasound...hopefully! Kade measured between 7 and 8 pounds, which they are usually off by 1/2 pound or so either way. He should be a good size! Crazy kid was so active that the tech lady kept saying... "okay baby, work with me" or "he's moving again"... which I was like... Welcome to my world!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
One week until Due Date
Well... officially one more week until Kade's due date. I don't know if he'll be here then or not. We have our last ultrasound scheduled for Monday afternoon to check his weight, then a regular dr. appt on next Wednesday... Thanksgiving dinner Thursday (yum!) and if he hasn't made his grand entrance by Monday, December 1... I will be induced at 7:30a.m. All this to say... 10 days or less and our son will be here!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
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