Saturday, May 30, 2009
Making baby food
Friday, May 29, 2009
Watching my own video
While I was uploading the other video, Kade watched...this is him watching himself on the computer...what fun!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Bathtime and Food
Kade is REALLY enjoying his baths! I can't decide if I need a poncho or tarp to cover me while I give him a bath! :) I'm so glad he enjoys them...and we will see what he thinks about swimming pools soon!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Picture Update
What a week...
It's been awhile since I've updated...and I have a lot to share. Lets start with last Thursday, my grandpa had open heart surgery so my dad flew into Tulsa to be there for it. Thursday afternoon, my uncle passed away. His funeral was last Friday and since I'm out of leave, I couldn't attend. My mom drove in to be a part of all of this. Last Saturday we spent the whole day with my mom, dad, chelsea, gracie, and kade just hanging out. Sunday was Mother's Day, which I got to see my mom, and spend time with Kade. Lafe and Kade made me feel very special with their cards, flowers and gifts. At church, we dedicated Kade to the Lord. Monday morning I went to school...put my lunch on the bottom drawer of the frig and the freezer door popped open only to hit me in the head and knock me out...literally. I woke up to our music teacher asking me if I knew who I was. I had a headache for 2 days. Probably should have went to the doctor. Tuesday was just fine. Wednesday night a tornado went through my hometown of Anadarko and as I was talking to my mom on the phone telling her about it... the tornado sirens start going off at our house. Kade and I took cover in the closet for more than 30 minutes and then went to bed after finding out that hail damaged our roof causing a leak in Kade's room. Thursday was just tiresome. Friday, I either got stung by something or bit by a spider on my shoulder three times. I still have the welts and they itch occasionally. Today, we had Lunch Bunch with kids from our youth group and new youth leaders, whom we have been praying to join us for months! PRAISE GOD! Then Gracie came over to hang out for a few hours and she and Kade played well and had a good night. All to say... what an eventful week! I would be perfectly happy with just an ordinary, boring, old week this week. HA!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
What a weekend...
So this truly will be an update with lots of details. Thursday I picked up Kade from his babysitter's to find out that he threw up at 2:30. I had to work McTeacher night for our school from 5-6 so Lafe and Kade stayed home to hang out. I came home to find out that he had thrown up again... he was in his bed, I picked him up and he threw up again! He did this 4 more times before 9 pm. It scared me to death! AND he just cried during it and I just cried with him. After deciding that the ER would just have more germs we just waiting on our on-call doctor to call us back. They finally did and we concluded it was a virus and to give him Pedialyte for 8 hours and then formula. He and I slept in our bed if you call it sleep. I was up giving him 1-4 teaspoons every hour to hour and a half. He stopped throwing up, took the pedialyte and started to get better. However, I took off Friday (even though I didn't have anymore days...they will take the money for my sub out of my paycheck) to help getting the house cleaned up. THEN Friday night, MY stomach started to hurt. I made it through the night. I started throwing up Saturday morning and did all day long. I was so thankful that Lafe's mom and dad had come over Friday night to help Lafe take care of Kade and me. It was hard to hear Kade whine and be away from him, however, I knew that he was just fine and I could rest. I remembed that I had some medicine from the hospital that had nausea medicine in I tried to take it... not good the first time. It ended up in the toliet but 4 hours later it stayed down. I went to bed at 8:30 and felt much better this morning. Kade and I rested at home today, trying to get 100% before the work week begins. ENOUGH ABOUT ME...
Friday after work, they had a short staff meeting to announce my principal's retirement. I don't know how to handle it. Next year will be very different and I really hope our assistant principal gets the job. She will be awesome.
Also... I got some AMAZING news from one of my best friends. I can't share any details, but I am blessed by her and I know that the people she will be around will be also! I am excited for this next part of her journey! God is so good!
Friday after work, they had a short staff meeting to announce my principal's retirement. I don't know how to handle it. Next year will be very different and I really hope our assistant principal gets the job. She will be awesome.
Also... I got some AMAZING news from one of my best friends. I can't share any details, but I am blessed by her and I know that the people she will be around will be also! I am excited for this next part of her journey! God is so good!
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